Hacking FeedBurner Feed Count using Netvibes

Most bloggers show their FeedBurner feed count proudly. Readers tend to subscribe to blogs with higher readers and adevrtiser are dying to buy ad slots on them!
So its common sense that higher FeedBurner count is always better. But Joop & Patrick posted a FeedBurner hack at The Next Web which increases your FeedBurner feed count by any number overnight.
They basically created a OPML file which contains same FeedBurner URL more than 2500 times. A OPML file is basically list of feed links. It is used to import/export feed subscription list between different feed readers.
Next they imported this special OPML file to a Netvibes account. Netvibes created a widget for each feed entry. All of these Netvibes widget contained same feed URL and FeedBurner recorded them individually. So next day FeedBurner feed count increased by almost 2500!
So with 2 minutes of work you can have any feed count you want! Below is video demonstration of entire hack..
Link: Feedburner hack (via TechCrunch)From: IndYaTricks

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