Whenever I install Windows I have to search for my motherboard CD for installing drivers of sound, LAN, graphics etc and majority of times it takes hell a lot of time to search for driver CD. At least I find it very difficult to keep my CD in a safe place so that I can use it when I need it.But what will you do if motherboard driver CD gets lost, I know you will say that you'll go to Internet and download all the desired drivers from there but for that you should know the model number also. If you have lost your motherboard CD and do not know your motherboard model number and want to download or update your drivers, here is a very good application for you.
Quickly backup device drivers for your computer.
Live update your drivers information database online.It works on the following Operating Systems : Windows 98/98SE /ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP x64/Server 2003 x64/Vista x64.This is a must have application and visit their official website to download this application.
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