A gold medal at last! And in an individual event no less. Congrats, Abhinav Bindra for winning the top honors in the 10m air rifle shooting. India’s last gold was in the (largely-boycotted) Moscow 1980 Olympics in hockey. Bindra’s success should prove that in spite of the lack of supporting infrastructure, Indian sportspersons can compete with the best so just imagine if they got the support and attention. I just hope that bureaucrats and sports administration officials like Kalamadi do not take credit or hog the limelight when Bindra returns (remember the T20 World Cup winning team feliciation?) Abhinav, his coach, and family deserve all the credit. Let us wish his success rubs off on others [photo source: Gaoxing Singh].
Abhinav Bindra brings Olympic gold to India
Posted by sahdev | Filed under fun, Game
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