Command Prompt disabled by virus

We receive around 60 percent of the problems related to the troubles caused due to virus infection. These days virus spread so easily through the pen drives and other portable drives, it has become very difficult for a normal person to protect his/her computer system.

Most common problems which are generally caused by the virus which spread through USB pen drives are:
Task Manager disabled problem in windows xp
Folder options disabled by Virus / Trojan
Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator
Another most common problem faced due to virus infection is when certain types of virus like rontokbro or brontok, disable command prompt, we have also covered the removal of brontok virus.

There are also cases when the user reported that their computer restart when they try to launch command prompt, or command prompt blinks for a second and nothing happens.

Let’s see how can you enable your command prompt again when it is disabled by a virus.
There has been two most successful methods with which you can enable your disabled command prompt.

Method 1:
The simplest method to get your command prompt back is to add a registry key , but you should be having registry editing is enabled.

1. Open Start >> Run and type the following command ( or just copy it )
REG add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v DisableCMD /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

2. Copy the above command and press Enter.
This will solve your trouble and your command prompt will be enabled.

Note: Method 1 may not work when your system is severely infected by a virus and even the registry editing is disabled due to which you are not able to run the above command from run prompt.

Method 2:
It involves a tool called RRT - Remove Restrictions Tool by sergiwa which can enable the disabled command prompt by virus.
It also helps in removing other restrictions which are also caused due to virus infection listed below.
Disable Folder Options
Disable Registry Tools
Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del
Disable Show hidden files & folders come with hidden attribute set to true!
Disable Run Command
Other than it also includes fixes for the removing 38 restrictions that are caused by different types of viruses.

Note: Make sure you boot in to Safe Mode to use Remove Restrictions Tool (RRT). Just click on the buttons and it’ll do it’s job.
The limited version is RRT tool is for FREE for personal use only. If you would like to use the application in a business environment you are required to license the application.

We hope at least one of method given above will help to fix the trouble.
[ Download RRT ]

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